home > Walt Disney World > Pictures > Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - Page 2 of 33 - << previous page : next page >>
Only one bus route running at this hour and that is to the Magic Kingdom which has an 8am opening.  All other parks are 9am.
Only one bus route running at this hour and that is to the Magic Kingdom which has an 8am opening. All other parks are 9am. Click to switch to large image view
Passing by the Magic Kingdom toll plaza.
Passing by the Magic Kingdom toll plaza. Click to switch to large image view
Arriving at the Magic Kingdom, it was 7:48am and they were letting guests enter but all were held at the tunnels.
Arriving at the Magic Kingdom, it was 7:48am and they were letting guests enter but all were held at the tunnels. Click to switch to large image view
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